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A player name can sometimes be spelled incorrectly, particularly if there are character encoding issues. This can be a particular problem when combining data from multiple files. This function will attempt to find names that have been misspelled and create a remapping table suitable to pass to remap_player_names. Player names will only be compared within the same team. Note that this function is unlikely to get perfect results: use its output with care.


find_player_name_remapping(x, distance_threshold = 3, verbose = TRUE)



datavolley: a datavolley object as returned by dv_read, or list of such objects


numeric: if two names differ by an amount less than this threshold, they will be treated as the same name


logical: print progress to console as we go? Note that warnings will also be issued regardless of this setting


data.frame with columns team, from, to


if (FALSE) {
  x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts = FALSE)
  remap <- find_player_name_remapping(x)