Find points in which the serving team wins the point. Serve win rate is the fraction of serves won by the serving team.
- x
data.frame: the plays component of a datavolley object, as returned by
- return_id
logical: include the match_id and point_id of all serve win points in the returned object?
named list with components "ix" (logical indices of serves corresponding to serve win points in the x object), "n" (number of serve win points in x), "rate" (serve win rate from x). If return_id
is TRUE, also return a component "id" (a data.frame containing the match_id and point_id of all serve win points)
if (FALSE) {
x <- dv_read(dv_example_file(), insert_technical_timeouts=FALSE)
serve_idx <- find_serves(plays(x))
swp <- serve_win_points(plays(x))
## number of serves by team
## number of points won on serve by team
table(plays(x)$team[serve_idx & swp$ix])